Hello my name is Daniel.

Two weeks ago i decided to get more serious into game/ software development.

Since i heard that the GameDev.tv team is hosting a jam and i just completed the first course i decided to join and gain some more experience.

I have to admit i have never learned so much in my life as i did in this week and i am excited to join the next jam!

Enjoy my game: Pipy doesn't want to die!

Leave a comment and let  me know your High-score.


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First Try Highscore (I know the developer):

(1 edit) (+1)

My high-score is currently 9900. 

nice one! and thanks for playing :)

how difficult do you think it is? i did not have any playtesters so i am curious.


Amazing game for two weeks! I'm in the middle of one of their courses and am nowhere near this level yet.

(1 edit)

Thanks i was afraid of being too inexperienced for this jam! 

And thanks for playing my game :) - also great job on your high-score !